Eastham Turnips at Sea Call Farm
Roughly 30 gardeners came out to help with and enjoy the 2020 Turnip harvest at Sea Call Farm this November.
Fred and Kathy Perreault have been gardening in Orleans for more than 45 years, and in recent years moved to a different, smaller property. They have grown Eastham Turnips and propagated seeds from same for 30+ years and each year produced a different quality crop.
This was Fred’s first attempt at growing turnips at Sea Call Farm. Per Fred, “Frankly I am a little disappointed in the humongous size, and therefore the quality of the harvest. I had planted the seeds about 2 weeks earlier than usual not knowing that the season would be so warm, dry and long. Next year I will probably plant the seeds nearer the end of July, rather than the first week of July. I have 2 half plots and the soil conditions and the micro environment produced 2 different size and quality of turnip at each plot. One of the exciting parts of gardening to me is the surprise that we get in the weeks following planting the seeds. Sometimes we get great beans, sometimes we don’t. Same for the tomatoes, the peas and such. I will no doubt try turnips next season, but as so often happens in the garden, I will alter the strategy a bit, and things will be different but hopefully better.”
Also per Fred, “This was my first season at the Farm, and the best part of all was having the 30 or so folks come by on such a fine Fall day to share their experiences and knowledge as we harvested a crop of Eastham turnips and shared in a few slices of the product right there on an upturned bucket resting on the garden path in the bright morning sun.”

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