Bins are Ready for the 2022 Growing Season
An update from Judy Ryon and Sue Lynch..
Judy emailed that a second bin and leaves were kindly delivered by the Conservation Commission during the winter for our use as mulch. Unfortunately, the leaves were placed in both of our bins.
Since one of the bins should be used for leaves/mulch and the other for garden debris, Judy asked for volunteers to make signs for the bins and to also consolidate the leaves and mulch into one bin so that the other bin can be used for garden trash/waste. [There were no signs posted to distinguish them so early gardeners had been dumping weeds and plot waste on top of the leaves..]
This past weekend, the Lynches and Gary Bowden worked to clean up the bins and ready them for the season. Per Sue, “the bin closest to the main drive has the ground-up leaves that can be used for mulch/compost for the garden. The other bin is ready for weeds and garden waste.”
Thanks to all involved.
Here’s to good weather for a fun and prosperous growing season!
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