Spring is fast approaching and we Sea Call Farm gardeners are excited about what lies ahead!
At the end of the last growing season, Rick Francolini led an effort to convert many of our Sea Call Farm plots to no-till for the 2021 growing season. As such, many of us planted winter cover crops such as peas, oats, and crimson clover. Seeds were provided courtesy of Rick.
The USDA recommends a target date of September 20th for the Orleans area in order to fully optimize the benefits of the winter crop so we did our seeding late in the summer season.
We first prepared our plots for seeding by removing fabric, harvesting remaining produce, and then pulling weeds, flowers, and vegetables. Some of us added manure or compost. Then we dug shallow furrows the prescribed distance from one another and sprinkled our seeds before covering and watering.
Now that it’s getting close to when we’ll seed and plant our 2021 crops, Rick and Peter Jensen will be providing tips to their fellow gardeners on what to do with the remnants of the winter coverage.
Rick took some great photos of the Sea Call Farm garden to showcase the cover crops. Enjoy!

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